Sunday, April 7, 2013

In Korea

Update: I'm in Korea. Update done.

In other news pursuing my study of fashion here by going to an art academy: woo oo ooo owooo owowo woowowwowoo aklsdjfoiawej. Also, went shopping today with the money I got tomorrow and got some sick stuff!! I finally figured out the style that I'm going to go for this year "bad ass" hahahahaha so original I am. To elaborate more simple, and less fucks given. I also plan on dying my hair black and maybe getting a perm to make it wavy...not that anyone cares...why do I have a blog?...I dunno....anywhoooo. Today I went to a my mother's friend's house for dinner (at 4:45? why? I don't know...) and was watching the television show "K-pop Stars" and the song Sir Duke  came on and my reaction was "erm mai gawd I know that song I'm want to ssseeeng nowww" so I left the house of my mother's friend and went to a church nearby where there was nice equipment to play with. 3mins in a friend comes in with his friend, a producer and jazz pianist. 2 hours later, I can sing better, play better, and have a song given to me: the guy made the song on the spot and the chord progression was so mm mm mmmmm sexy~~~ Anywho that's that! Have a lovely day and remember Yolo lul.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

This is an outfit composed of things that i found at dig and save. This is before I hemmed and fitted everything.
And after:
Sorry for the difference in the lighting, I took the before picture with natural lighting.

I love the effects on Photobucket!
I thought I knew bleach

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

We Survived 2012!

Okay so I lied about the posts that I promised to...well post. I've learned a lesson, don't make promises ever...because then you can't break any promises! :D.....
On that note...
Although I haven't been very active on keeping up with the latest fashions I have found that my latest designs are very 'fashionable' so trust me with this list of 10 things that I believe are in fashion or will be in the future (because I'm that ahead of my time....I'm just kidding it's because I'm weird)

1. Flower Power man
-not the dainty kind that you wore last season or the seasons before. No, those are too safe, and if you're like me you love taking risks.
-bold flowers
-flowers on jeans, like daisies and such (think appliques)

2. Appliques
-mmmmm appliques are your best friend this season
- think 90's
- jean jackets, M$@%@*& F%^^#@*&@ JEAN JACKETS (and shorts when the time comes)

-nuf said

4. Bold patterns from the 70's
-nothing childish like brown with pink or brown with blue (gross) but yellow and pink with orange and a lime green in a swirly or flowery pattern as fitted high waisted shorts are tasteful and chic but still fun and spunky

5. Barque
-check Versailles

6. Knit wear
-I don't just mean sweaters...because I obviously discovered those (sarcasm), but I'm talking about knit skirts, dresses, bandeau, jackets, leggings, pants. If done right all of these things can be pulled off, but this is another one of those risky things so BE CAREFUL CUIDADO!!

7. Pictures
-not taking pictures but pictures as the pattern on a jacket  or pants or etc.
- kitten hoodie, yeah that is as adorable as it sounds (please don't use kitten fur, I'm talking about pictures)

8. Clear clothing (with non-clear clothing underneath please)
-like some dead flowers melted into some clear vinyl to make a raincoat would be uber cute (nobody steal that idea its a work in progress for me -_-)

And here are a couple things that I think will stay in fashion but aren't new

9. Statement collars and cuffs

10. thigh high socks

These are only a few of a list of many things that will be what the cool kids will be wearing (or the weird ones if your a conservative dresser, unlike me) Have fun, and remember being naked is only okay if you run fast enough.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


First off, I'll post the leather shorts soon I just got a camera. Second, I wouldn't have gotten that camera if it wasn't for volleyball....
So in our school there are two freshman teams, one JV(junior varsity), and one varsity team....the problem with this is that a lot of girls have to be cut when all the former freshman try out for JV. For the past week I've been trying out for JV, I was so sure that I was going to get in that I never, ever ever, through the whole tryout feel nervous; already things went wrong there.
A saying that I heard today goes something like this " if you don't humble yourself than someone else will have to humble you for you (more like humiliate) and if you're already humble than people will bring you up (make you look good)". I was anything but humble and I don't know if it was evident to the coaches but even if it wasn't this whole experience was very humbling.
That's the first thing I did wrong.
The second thing that I did wrong was that I didn't have the same views on volleyball as the JV coach. Well I 't think i did anything wrong in this case but it's far from the concept of the game. Volleyball, if you didn't already know is a game of mistakes, to me this means try to mess with the other teams so much that they make the mistakes, also, try to figure out their next move before they make it. So basically volleyball is a game to me, like chess or poker. However, and this is what most if not all volleyball players think, volleyball is a game where team work is so uber super essential, one person could never carry a whole team; in other words it's a sport. The coach thought of volleyball as a sport and I thought of it as a game. If I were the coach I wouldn't have picked me either, why would I ever pick a player that doesn't have the same values as me. Although I personally think the second reason is a big one I also think that it's only possible if he read my mind....I hope he didn't do that....
More important than the second reason and related to the first reason is that I don't listen.  Although I respect my elders and sunbae (upper classmen) I like doing things my way whether it's wrong or not, you can't coach a girl like that, nope no can do. I feel as if this reason was the most evident and important reason.
I don't think my skills were lacking, nor my physical portion of the tryout.
However because I didn't make the cut the school refunded $115 that was supposed to cover the cost of volleyball and with that money I got a camera.
"when life gives you a blue card* you use the money and buy a camera"

*in my school the blue card is like a reciept for the payment of entering a sport

Monday, July 11, 2011


So one of the things that I've been obsessing over this summer is leather shorts...problem is I'm not exactly in a situation where i can afford leather shorts, the ones that I found online happen to be very pricey. "Ah ha" I thought "I shall make them" but one problem, leather doesn't exactly grow on trees and its quite expensive to get. The idea of having a 2011 summer without leather shorts made me a very sad little girl, but one day I watched thisYouTube video and I started to jump up and down in joy. In conclusion, I will have a new post soon on how to make leather shorts and a shirt that I personally think complements this punk chic article of clothing. :) stay tuned for a DIY on the shorts and shirt <3