2ne1 black jack earrings
btw this was a collaboration post with fluffeh bunneh
This DIY was inspired by these two cool DIYers Click here for their version of these earrings
...so I love their version buut its not the way I would make them.
white Shrinky dink paper
527 glue
earring posts
dry erase markers
STEP 1!cut out 2 rectangles of the shrinky dink paper that have the same dimensions as a playing card STEP 2! trace the design of your choice onto the paper with pencil, i would recommend practicing on paper first
STEP 3!draw the design with sharpie or if you want to use other means of drawing sand down the paper first with 300-400 grit paper and then color/draw
STEP 4!preheat the oven to 350 degrees F then place the shrinky dinks on a cookie tray that has wax or parchment paper, DO NOT USE FOIL!
oops i didn't use wax paper....horrible mistake
STEP 5! place in the oven for 2-3 min or until the paper is done un-curling, if even after its done uncurling you can flatten out further by placing the shrinky dink under a bookSTEP 6!after the shrinky dinks are done shrinking take them out of the oven to cool
STEP 7!use the 527 glue to attach the earring posts onto the shrank shrinky dinks and wait 2 hours for them to dry...bake a cake or something while your waiting ;)
YAY your done with your earrings! now you can look like Bom...kinda
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